Wednesday 9 December 2009


The work of Pedro Almodovar snared my attention around 3-4 years now after being show one of his movies by a friend. As a child I spent many holidays in his native Spain soaking up the sun and life amongst other things

As a child though, you tend to let everything fly by you and you are in your own little bubble, but Spain and her cultural givings have always had a lasting effect on me. It is my favourite country, I love everything about it from the cities, the lifestyle, the art, the football, the food and more. So loving Almodovar is no shock. My love of Spanish music is also strong, and when watching the art of Almodovar grace the screen with the fantastic music of his key composer, Alberto Iglesias, I am in escapist heaven.

The below film is probbaly my favourite film of his, along with arguably the best score of all his films. The instrumentation and delicacy of some of arrangement is startling on its own, but paired with the immeasurable poetic visuals of Pedro Almodovar is fantastic.

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